
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Luminair idea

The concept was to have a corner light that could be used to create an ambient light as well as very pleasant corner piece to a room, almost to create a focal point. The idea was to have 800x800x800mm cascade of regular cubes, but then adjust the height of the cubes to be irregular with one another, almost to giving it a natural form and movement like that of crystal. I knew the material i wanted the surface to be made of would be recycled green glass (broken or smashed bottles) as it is something that takes more energy to recycle then to produce. By sorting the glass into 3 different shades from lightest to darkest i would selectively cover specific surfaces of the cubes to give them a random contrast, using much less of the darkest shade.  The entire cubic cluster would be constructed from perspex and very discreetly reinforced with aluminium angles as not to affect the light it will give off. The broken green glass will then be stuck to the surface of the perspex with clear resin and then painted over again with resin to make the surface touchable. The light source will be 2 or 3  3foot fluorescent tubes at 45degree angles inside the perspex enclosure.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Now what?

While i was at my previous company ill admit that the tech work fell by the waste side, Its time to suck out the venom. So from here on i will be getting my work done and up to date before i start actively looking for a job. CTD and STW ex4 is now complete-see stw tab ...or ctd, cant remember. I have my pss portfolio, although its not uploaded, however because i only have 1 colour copy of all my work i will need to keep it with me as its what i will need to show it to my next employer, i can bring it in to be assessed at some point.

The latest on my previous place of employment...up to 3 people are getting retrenched...hmmm

The good the bad, the long and the short- light at the end of the tunnel , by C Rayner

It all started in December 2011, A week after having presented the last bits and bobs of the MIP I was excited to be starting my work experience nice and early at a top firm in Cape Town. I need not mention the name of the firm as im sure those who need know already do. With nice fancy Macintosh computers and all that jazz it looked as though i was really off to the right start with this firm. At first i thought "wow i really need to get use to these long hours" also finding it particularly hard to concentrate. A month goes by and ive really caught up to speed on the archicad programme, of which i had no previous knowledge of and was slowly but surely getting out the tasks i was given. I was called in after a while and told to up my game, and that i had 2 weeks to improve. After two weeks i called out human resources manager and asked her what the feedback was and she said everything was fine. Things difficult as they were and as miserable as i was i carried on..believing what everyone said about..all this hard labor will pay off.. After 4months i approached our manager again and inquired whether the company was going to continue employing me for the rest of the year, as i had heard nothing regarding the original agreement that after 3months a contract is signed and minimum wage is increased. I also wanted feedback as i had heard nothing from anyone about how i was doing or were i could improve. When the feedback eventually arrived from the directors (who barely ever acknowledged i even existed except for my initial interview and performance meeting after 1month-keep in mind the entire company consists of 23 people) you will never guess what the feedback was.........................."We are letting you go"..........................this is again the office manager letting me know, who is by the way FANTASTIC and super efficient (and i find it a pitty that she has to work under such silly sausages)-no jokes

SHOCK HORROR! you would even close...not nearly as bad as the dismissal letter i then was asked to sign..Stating in point that i was a day dreamer, never produced any actual drawings,  was given all the resources i needed and many other biased accusations. I was due to finish at the end of April, which made it my 5th month. I carefully analyzed their letter and wrote one of my own, in it i very clearly explained how the this was mostly..inevitable. My biggest issue was communication. A task that was given to me was never as extensively explained as it should have been, it lacked so many details that i was often guessing how to proceed and being quite inexperienced, didnt even know what questions to ask. At the end even my team leader/mentor admitted that there was not enough time and everyone was under enormous pressure. All this and they were still expected to have enough time to teach a student. Apon explaining the situation i also had all the technologist agreeing that it was easy to see the lack of time and patience put toward mentoring me.

Apon reading my letter, the one director pretended as if nothing had happened and the other, with whom i was less involved during my employment, told our manager to give me a NOTHER months probation and offered to be more involved and make a few changes as far as my working conditions were concerned. At this point i didnt see how this would have benefited either party, and they needed a decision within 24hours so i declined.

On my last day both directors left discreetly and early, to my surprise. I would have at least liked to have said goodbye to one of them, shaken their hand, wished them best of luck and thank you for the opportunity....But no....Age, experience and having your own company at the age of 50 doesn't always bring you professionalism and class..or even maturity.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Chad Rayner Swag

This is my blog. in it i will put my work/tasks given to me by my University. CPUT