
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Luminair idea

The concept was to have a corner light that could be used to create an ambient light as well as very pleasant corner piece to a room, almost to create a focal point. The idea was to have 800x800x800mm cascade of regular cubes, but then adjust the height of the cubes to be irregular with one another, almost to giving it a natural form and movement like that of crystal. I knew the material i wanted the surface to be made of would be recycled green glass (broken or smashed bottles) as it is something that takes more energy to recycle then to produce. By sorting the glass into 3 different shades from lightest to darkest i would selectively cover specific surfaces of the cubes to give them a random contrast, using much less of the darkest shade.  The entire cubic cluster would be constructed from perspex and very discreetly reinforced with aluminium angles as not to affect the light it will give off. The broken green glass will then be stuck to the surface of the perspex with clear resin and then painted over again with resin to make the surface touchable. The light source will be 2 or 3  3foot fluorescent tubes at 45degree angles inside the perspex enclosure.

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